Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today, Saturday, I had my party! At first we were worried that we would get rained out and all this talk of the hurricane coming didn't help either....[not coming till wednesday or so] People were calling and asking if we would reschedule and we were so very close but decided to go ahead and go through with it. The party itself was already pushed back so far because people were vacationing and I wanted to make sure everyone could come. Well, I made phone calls and planned and prayed and thankfully everything worked out perfectly in the end! We did get rained on a bit on the beach, but not until after we got out in the water a bit. The Beach Party turned into the Scary Green Giant Van Party. I must say, though, that as far as Scary Green Giant Van Parties go, this was definately a best.

I, for one, had a great time and even though afterward I found out that there was some hidden drama underneath, but that's just middle school! Can't help that.

The clean up afterward took about an hour. My mom took care of most of it, but I'm still suprised at how much there was! It was crazy! Ground-in Cheez-its, smashed snowcone and milkshake cups, gum wrappers, and other fun stuff.

I got $111.26 in giftcards and cash and I had $80 left in the bank after I bought my purse [WHICH IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!] sooo I think I have enough for a camera!!!

My only worry is that I won't know what to save up for after that! Oh well.

Thank you to everyone that came and I hope ya'll had fun... See you in school!

Comment please and I'll love you forever! :]


Justin said...

Well, about the grounded in cheeze its, that was Ryan. I saw him in the act. Can't wait for your next entry!

Antonio Cramirez said...

lol that wuz ryan he cant eat without making a mess
luv ya


P.S. my cuz zach says hi and he thinx ur hot muhahahahahahahaha87

Unknown said...

justin keeps asking me about hidden drama.
and i'm confused.
that wouldn't have to do with me would it?

Ryan said...

Those weren't my Cheeze-Its - I fed mine to the Seagulls!

Ryan said...

I mean it

Ryan said...


Ryan said...
