Friday, September 14, 2007


Alrighty, down to business. The Lady Buccs had our first volleyball scrimage at the new Klien school, Krimmel.
When we first got there, I was already unimpressed. I had heard before that they had a "pond" but in actuality there was just a yucky puddle in the front. Not what I'd call a pond. The school did have two tennis courts which is pretty cool I guess, but does an intermediate school really need a tennis court? Much less TWO?
When we got in the brand new gym, Lea commented that it smelled like a shoe store. Our 2nd year Bailey gym is much more colorful and a all around more comfortable environment.
And finally, all of the girls there were wearing spandex!! They looked so nasty! Ok, yes you do wear spandex in highschool because it's a TINY bit more easier to play in, but those girls were only 13! At our age, volleyball isn't so competitive that it needs spandex. I just personally thought that those girls were sending the wrong message to all those hormone-crazed little boys! Not to mention that they were just rude as well.
Anyway. The games. A and B team each played 8 games. They weren't really games, just 10 minute rotations. My team, B team, lost 7 or so of those. Probably more, but we just weren't really keeping count and they didn't use the score board. Now, don't get me wrong. These girls weren't all that and a bag of chips. We really were just as good, but we were trying to be fair and get and even amount of playing time in, so we gave them the ball after 5 serves but they would just keep going and going. So actually, now that I think about it, we probably won all BUT one!!
GO BUCCS!! [?]
(btw, I have a camera, once again, so I'll be working on taping some dancing! lol Oh, and Justin? My new typing speed in 84 gwam. The teacher from next door came over and asked "why I was even in that class" and I told her it was for the credit. Then they decided to try nd let everyone else catch up to the lesson I was on so I went next door and helped the Media Masters class! [that's where that one nasty little boy was at. "Hey, toots!" {yes, that's how you spell it, fyi}])
Thanks for reading!
You know what I want you to do now!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Hey guys. I know I told a lot of you that I couldn't get to my blogfrom my computer because of McAfee, a security thing my dad put on my computer- and that is true. It just took me a little while to realize that I could use the computer in the computer room. Haha. WHOOPS!
So anyway. School anyone?
All my classes are cool so far. I was worried about keyboarding at first, because of all 12 people in there, I had never even seen almost anyone so I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. Lucky, though, after the first week I had already made some friends aanndd we FINALLY started the curriculum and as it turns out, I'm already the fastest typer in there! My first little lesson was just the home keys and my average was 47 wpm with and my top was 54. Now, I know somewhere, Justin is reading this and I know ya'll can type faster most likely - but hey! The next fastest in that class is 39!
Moving on. Volleyball! Lindy-loo made the team again! I'm not sure, but I think I'm probably going to be a B-team setter. Setting is a challenging aspect of volleyball; it's something you either can or can't do, and you find that out pretty quickly. There are only 4 setters in the whole team and once we split into A and B, we're going to need two on each team. So, yeah. B-team setter. Yay me!
8th grade is coming along pretty nicely, I must say. I'm in all advanced classes, I like my teachers, I'm in Volleyball and Cross Country and soon-to-be Track. Maybe even Buccaneer Believers, I don't know yet. The only bad thing is that next year is highschool! I'm getting so olddd... :'[
So chheaa! That's pretty much it for now! I think next time I may talk about my dating status, muahahaha. We'll see! Comment please!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today, Saturday, I had my party! At first we were worried that we would get rained out and all this talk of the hurricane coming didn't help either....[not coming till wednesday or so] People were calling and asking if we would reschedule and we were so very close but decided to go ahead and go through with it. The party itself was already pushed back so far because people were vacationing and I wanted to make sure everyone could come. Well, I made phone calls and planned and prayed and thankfully everything worked out perfectly in the end! We did get rained on a bit on the beach, but not until after we got out in the water a bit. The Beach Party turned into the Scary Green Giant Van Party. I must say, though, that as far as Scary Green Giant Van Parties go, this was definately a best.

I, for one, had a great time and even though afterward I found out that there was some hidden drama underneath, but that's just middle school! Can't help that.

The clean up afterward took about an hour. My mom took care of most of it, but I'm still suprised at how much there was! It was crazy! Ground-in Cheez-its, smashed snowcone and milkshake cups, gum wrappers, and other fun stuff.

I got $111.26 in giftcards and cash and I had $80 left in the bank after I bought my purse [WHICH IS FRIGGIN AWESOME!] sooo I think I have enough for a camera!!!

My only worry is that I won't know what to save up for after that! Oh well.

Thank you to everyone that came and I hope ya'll had fun... See you in school!

Comment please and I'll love you forever! :]

Monday, August 13, 2007

Why, howdy! This blog is so obviously new so it's still under construction. Please be patient! For those who know me, I have a myspace so just ask me for it...
Alrighty, let's see.. my summer!
Well, I haven't gone on cruises to Mexico and Vacations in the Philipines and what-not that all too many people have been... Most of my summer was just spent at home watching my crazy little brother. I've done an unbelievable amount of cleaning this summer, though! You'd never expect it, knowing me, but I do feel great about what I've gotten done. Muahaha.. and I've not gone unrewarded! I've earned about $150 cold hard cash :]]. May seem like a lot, but if you saw all that I did...
Let's see... My birthday was just the other weekend -the 3rd- and I got a new computer, an iHome, 30 packs of my favorite gum :], a couple of computer games, and a piano (upright) and 13 delivered balloons from my grandma. Also, we went on an un-finished $600 shopping spree for school clothes.
The money I earned from cleaning is going to a good cause! I now have enough for my COACH purse [$179.99]!!! Muahahaha. (spoiled? nahhh.)
The party's this weekend babee, if you're cool I'll see you there!

Okie dokie, ya'll. Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and tell me how I'm doing, give some constructive critisism, or just to say 'hey'! I'll be looking forward to it!